Akshay pawar
2 min readOct 26, 2021
  • Key feature of cryoto — 100% free transaction

IOTA is distributed ledger
NOT blockchain but DAG [Directed acyclic graph] ( Fast and scale better continue reading for explanation)

  • Directed — it’s directed
  • Acyclic - it grows in one direction
  • Graph ( graph data structure — refer )

Why it’s fast compared to others?
In bitcoin, transaction will be in mempool for a time ( 10 min approximate , more precisely untill it creates transaction of 1 MB, i.e. size of block )
Transaction are confirmed when 2 transaction happen after yours
This gives fundamental advantage over other blockchain that the more people will use the more fast network will be.

Current speed — 1k transaction per second
There are No minors , no fee

As discussed earlier, IOTA doesn’t have minor/validator because as you use, your private key asymmetric encryption we can assure no one else is spending your money

currently they have co ordinator s
They are going to remove this to make it de centralized

smart contract
Not for now they have plans in future.

I am not sure how they will find validator if there’s not reward though ☹

How they prevent spams?

They use algorithm, they claim first non proof of work DAG based congention control algorithm

In future they will use mana [from — Mana is perhaps best thought of as a tool that is used in various roles in the network. It is related to but also remains separate from the IOTA token. When a value transaction is processed, a quantity called mana will be “pledged” to a specified node ID. This quantity is related to the amount of IOTA moved into the transaction. The mana pledged to each node ID is stored as an extension of the ledger. ]

See when they remove "co-ordinator" they will use alteration of PoS algorithm
In PoS you stake and take slight risk
Here you will receive mana for holding your iota coins

  • In btc/eth, You must download whole ledger to be minor. It’s not for iota
  • Unlike eth/btc they are not valued wr.t. demand / use of coin.

